Brush Stroke

With these simple tips for avoiding typical time-wasters, you may take back your time and improve productivity.

By: Health Cabin

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Daily Time Waster

 Are you tired of watching the day pass you by without accomplishing your objectives?

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Excessive Social Media

- Alexis Ohanian

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“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

- Alexander Graham Bel

Multi - Tasking

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Excessive Meetings

Meetings that run too long or don't have a clear agenda might take up a big chunk of your day.

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"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started"

- Dawson Trotman

Daily Opportunity

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Avoid Excessive Usage of Social Media

Focus on your task and avoid multi tasking

Prioritize your work and avoid procrastinate

Too many unnecessary meetings can disrupt your productivity.