Drink More Water

Drink Your Way

Into Healthy Living

Know Your Water Needs

Drinking more water starts with being aware of your body's needs for hydration. Your daily water requirements are dependent on a number of factors, including climate, activity level, age, weight, and degree of physical activity.

SET Reminders

It's simple to forget to drink water while you're busy. Use apps or set reminders on your phone to keep track of how much water you drink each day.

CREATIVITY with Flavours

Try flavored water if you don't like the taste of plain water to make staying hydrated more fun. To give your water a natural taste boost, add slices of fruit such as lemon, cucumber, or berries.

Keep Water Accessible

Carrying a reusable water bottle about will make it easier to sip on water. Having water on hand promotes regular hydration whether you're exercising, running errands, or at work.

Monitor your Intake

Make a note of the amount of water you drink every day. To meet your hydration goals, track your progress with a water tracking notebook or app and modify your consumption as necessary.

Make it a habit

Staying hydrated requires consistency. Include drinking water in your regular routine to help you develop the habit. You will get used to reaching for a glass of water quickly.

Cheers to Better Hydration